Anyway, after the cartoon came out, it became impossible to get the model kits. Fast forward 20 years later to 2008, I chance upon the Yamato 1/48 VF-1J. It's perfect in every way. Perfect transformation. Good sturdy joints. Looks great in all 3 modes. It didn't took me long to start work on this toy.
The weathering was done using pastel chalk, silver model kit paint and colour pencils... yes, colour pencils, the ones used in primary school!
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The panel lining was done using first a grey wash, followed by white wash. This achieved a smoky effect which a pure grey wash would not achieve. I came upon this by accident (^ ^ !!!). Also, I took a really small screwdriver to bore holes into the head cannons.
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I should take this out to take more pics one of these days.